#1 waqf on blockchain

Give Once
Give Forever

A Secure, Automated, and Transparent Endowment Fund / Waqf on Blockchain Where You Give Once. Your Donation Is Invested and it generates a monthly profit. Your Donation amount stays in the fund. However, the generated profit is given to any charity you prefer on your behalf every month. Forever.





What is Baraka Fund?

Waqf is Forever

Muslims give to charities around $1 trillion every year.

Imagine if there was a way to give once that keeps on giving month after month. Islam offers this solution as WAQF – endowment fund.

Baraka.Fund is a WAQF on the blockchain. You donate once. Your donation will be invested to generate profit. This profit will be donated to the charities you have chosen every month. Forever.

Since it is on the blockchain, it is secure, automated, and transparent.

Why Baraka.Fund?

Safe. Secure.
Transparent. Automated. 

& so much more…

Safe & Secure

It is on the blockchain. Smart contracts are audited. It is also screened by the Sharia board.

Manually Verified

Each charity or non-profit organization is manually verified by our team.

Automated Investing

Your funds are invested into stablecoin pools to generate a steady return based on fees.

Low Management Fees

2.5% of profit is shared with  EMPLIFAI for maintenance & Halal.Ad for marketing.

Community Curated

Each new suggestion to Baraka is curated by the Muslim community via by M.I.R.O.

Automated Giving

You give once. The generated profit will be given to your preferred charity every month.

How It works

Brief Introduction

You donate an amount to Baraka.Fund. Your money is invested via smart contracts on blockchain to generate a monthly income. This generated amount will be given away to non-profit organizations while the initial amount stays in the fund to generate a new income month after month.


Monthly Earnings


On Stablecoins


Choose the right plan for your needs

Invest in Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, and other cryptocurrencies using our crypto trading app.
Basic transaction fee


Advanced transaction fee


Business transaction fee



Here is what our donors say about us


“This is great! I have given once. Now this donation keeps giving every month.”

Muhammad Yusuf

Do you want to give once and reap the rewards forever?

Give to baraka.fund that invests the donated amount to generate a monthly profit that will be given on your behalf.


Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find the most asked questions.

Web3 is the next version of the internet that makes things more fair and secure. It uses a special technology called blockchain, which helps keep information safe and transparent. With Web3, people can do things like buy and sell things without a middleman, have more control over their personal information, and use special programs called smart contracts that work on their own. It’s like a new and improved internet that gives power back to the people.

Before we jump on blockchain and bombarding you with web3 jargons, let us share this analogy with you so you understand it better. 

The concept of chains is not new to Islam. For example, the “ijaza” permission of the Quran or isnad (the chain) of sahih hadith.

Ijaza means permission. In this context, if someone has an ijazah it means this person got the “permission” to recite the Quran from their teacher who in turn got “permission” from their teacher. The list goes on. This chain goes upward to the Prophet Muhammad SAW then to Jibreel AS then to Allah SWT. This way, the Quran is passed down accurately from one person to another, keeping its beautiful words alive for generations to come.

In Islam, there is another concept called “isnad,” which refers to the chain of narrators or transmitters of a hadith (a saying or action of Prophet Muhammad SAW). Isnad is used to verify the authenticity and reliability of a hadith.

Think of isnad as a relay race. Imagine you have a message that you want to pass on to your friend. You pass the message to another person you trust, and they pass it to another person they trust, and so on, creating a chain of people. Each person in the chain is responsible for verifying the accuracy of the message and the credibility of the person they received it from.

Similarly, in the study of hadith, scholars examine the isnad or chain of narrators to ensure the reliability and authenticity of the hadith. They carefully study the character, knowledge, and trustworthiness of each narrator in the chain. If the chain is strong, with trustworthy narrators and a clear connection back to Prophet Muhammad, the hadith is considered more reliable and accepted as authentic.

Just as ijazah or isnad helps ensure the accurate transmission of knowledge in Islam, blockchain technology works in a similar way. It creates a chain of digital records, where each block contains information and a reference to the previous block. The blocks are verified and added to the chain by a network of computers called nodes. This decentralized and transparent process helps ensure the integrity and security of the information stored in the blockchain, similar to how isnad ensures the authenticity and reliability of narrations in Islam.

A stablecoin is a type of cryptocurrency where the value of the digital asset is supposed to be pegged to a reference asset, which is either fiat money, exchange-traded commodities (such as precious metals or industrial metals), or another cryptocurrency.

Some example stablecoins are USDT and USDC. Each USDT or USDC is pegged against $1.

Imagine you have some special digital money, like a virtual currency, and you want to use it to help others. With Baraka.Fund – waqf on the blockchain, you can create a special account where you put that digital money. Once you put it in, you can’t take it back out.

This special account is like a treasure chest that is locked and can only be used for good things. For example, the money in the waqf could be used to build schools, hospitals, or help people in need.

The best part is that the waqf works by itself! There is a special computer program – a smart contract that automatically uses the money in the waqf to do good things. In this case, it invests the money donated and earns a monthly revenue. Then this revenue is used to help others while the invested amount stays in the fund to generate a monthly revenue month after month.

And because it’s on the blockchain, everyone can see what’s happening with the waqf. It’s like having many people watching to make sure the money is being used for the right purposes. This way, your digital money can keep doing good things and helping others, even if you’re not directly involved anymore.

So, waqf on the blockchain is like a magical way to use your digital money for important causes and make a positive difference in the world.

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In Islam, “waqf” is a special way of giving for a good cause. It means to set aside something valuable, like money or property, and make it permanently dedicated for a specific purpose. It’s like creating a gift that keeps giving! When someone makes a waqf, they give up ownership of what they donated, and it becomes a part of a charitable trust. The purpose of waqf is to help others and support important things like building schools, hospitals, or helping the poor.

Once something is dedicated as a waqf, it can’t be sold or used for personal gain. Instead, the income generated from the waqf is used to support the cause it was intended for. For example, if someone donates a building as a waqf for a school, the rent or profits from that building will be used to run the school and benefit students for a long time. Waqf is a beautiful way of giving back to the community and ensuring that the things we care about continue to make a positive impact, even after we are gone.

With Web3 technologies, we have create a waqf on blockchain. It’s like a special digital account for charitable purposes.

You can put some digital money or assets into this waqf account using a special program called a smart contract. Once the money is in the waqf, it can’t be taken out or used for anything else. The smart contract keeps everything fair and transparent.

The cool thing is that the money in the waqf can be used to help people in need, build schools, or support important causes. The smart contract automatically distributes the money for the intended purpose. And because it’s on the blockchain, everyone can see how the money is being used, making sure it goes to the right places.

So, using Web3 and blockchain, waqf helps you do good deeds with digital money, making a lasting impact and helping others for a long time.

The word Barakah (بَرَكَة) in Arabic language has three meanings:

The first one is النَّمَاءُ وَالزِّيَادَة which means “growth and increase”. So when something has Barakah it increases.

The second meaning is الاِستِمْرَارِيَّة or “continuity”. The Arabs say إِبتَرَكَتْ السَّمَاء when the rain keeps on coming and coming. This is a verb taken from the noun Barakah (بَرَكَة).

The final meaning of Baraka is: ‘Something that remains in its place as though it sticks. So it’s not only increasing and continuing but it remains as well. This is why the words إبترك الجمل `the camel has kneeled` is used as the camels when they kneel, they stay in their place.

At Baraka.Fund, when you give, the donated amount will stay in the waqf fund. 

The amount is invested in a stablecoin pool to generate a monthly income. So it grows.

This growth / the profit is then donated to non-profit organisations you have chosen in your profile. It is done every month continuously on your behalf. 

In a nutshell, Baraka.Fund embraces all these 3 meanings into a solution that benefits our ummah, inshaAllah. 

You are welcome to send your questions via email at salam@baraka.fund

Our team

Meet Our Team

Deniz Dalkilic


Maruf Yusuf


Naquib Mohammed

Blockchain Advisor

Khalid Howladar

Strategy Advisor

Sh. Shabir Moosa

Shariah Advisor

Jacob Adams

Senior developer